Bowling Game

What is Bowling Game?

Bowling is a and recreational activity in which a player rolls or throws a toward (in pin bowling) or another target (in target bowling). In the U.S. and Canada, the term bowling usually refers to Ten-pin Bowling ; in the U.K. and Commonwealth Countries, however, the term bowling could also refer to Lawn Bowls.

Where and When bowling game started?

The earliest form of bowling known to exist has been traced back to ancient Egyptian time, around 5,000 BC. The ancient Egyptians rolled stones at various objects with the goal of knocking them over. Over time, various varieties of bowling emerged from the Ancient Egyptian game. Variations of the sport range from traditional ten-pin bowling to nine-pin bowlingcandle pin bowlingduck pin bowling, and five-pin bowling. Additionally, two other forms of the game are also extremely popular to this day; these are lawn bowling and bocce, both of which are still played today. 온라인섯다

Bowling Tips for Beginners:

1. Pick the Right Size Ball - An ideal bowling ball weight is around 11–12 pounds for women, and 14–15 pounds for men. That said, weight matters less than finding a snug fit. Though heavier balls knock down pins with more force, ill-fitting finger holes are the surest way to steer your game into the gutter.

2. Keep Your Swing Relaxed - In other words, don't put too much muscle into the swing, which results in slower, wonkier throws. Relaxing your swing involves more than taking a deep breath or whispering positive self-affirmations before each turn. It requires balancing the swing with the approach, and knowing where to position the ball at the outset.

3. Find Your Speed

• If you like to approach the line slow, start with the ball at chest level. This ensures that your swing takes as long as you to complete the approach.

• If you like to approach fast, start with the bowling ball somewhere between your thigh and waist since there's not as much time for a full swing.

4. Line up the Shot

Those little dots and arrows on the lane are your friends, but don't just aim for the center. Play around a little:

• To Start: Shoot for the second arrow to the right for right-handed bowlers, but only to gauge your own personal sweet spot.

• Move in the direction of your miss. If you just whiffed by slamming the ball into the far-left pin, move left but aim at the same target.

• Adjust: every lane is different—and even the same lane changes depending on wax levels, warp, and even humidity—so you'll inevitably have to self-correct.

5. Try Some Bowling Tricks - Use this easy trick to throw a hook. Start off with a light ball, leave the thumb out, and let your palm guide the spin and hook. This is the simplest, easiest way to throw a mean lane-crossing hook. You may actually feel like you have less control over the ball at first, but give it a couple of frames. Once you're comfortable with the grip, the rest will come naturally.

6. Release with Power - Release the ball at the bottom of your downward swing and just aim for the pins. Try not to overthink it. Once you’re past the beginner stage, then you can consider the harder tricks, like the 7-10 split, where your ball has to knock one far rear pin across the lane and into the other far rear pin. It's not easy; pro bowlers take years to master it. If you knock down just one of the pins, you're doing pretty well.

Bowling Rules :

1 .The goal is to knock down all ten pins

2. Each frame consists of throwing the ball twice to knock down all the pins

3. If you knock down all the pins with the first ball, it is called a "strike"

4. If you knock down all the pins with the second ball, it is called a "spare"

5. Each games consists of ten frames. If you bowl a strike in the tenth frame, you get two more balls. If you throw a spare, you get one more ball.

6. Open frames are frames without a strike or spare

7. Scoring is based on the number of pins you knock down. However, if you bowl a spare, you get to add the pins in your next ball to that frame. For strikes, you get the next two balls.

8. An average of three games is played. You determine a 3 game average by adding all 3 scores and then dividing that number by 3.

9. Accurate preliminary scores are essential for fair divisioning.

10. Foul line is in effect. If you step over the foul line, any pins knocked down will not count towards your score.

11. Ramp Bowling is allowed for those athletes that are not physically capable of rolling a bowling ball. The ramp is for physical disabilities and not to be used to just increase a score.
